Live Laugh Love

My big sister is my best friend. She and I are so much alike it is unreal. I feel like we were both adopted or something. If we style our hair a certain way, it is inevitable that we are sisters. We both play volleyball, and at times we both would play outside hitter. I watch her every move because I hope one day I will be half the player she is. Her passes are phenomenal and when she sets they are almost always perfect. Her kills are exceptionally well with her vertical as high as it is. She also plays basketball and up until this year I did too, I would watch her play and want to play just like her one day. She is academically gifted, and brilliant. I hope am striving to be like her in every way. Her beauty is outrageously perfect. I try so hard to be like her because she is overall wonderful. She is genuinely sweet. She is my biggest fan. She and I will always be close I hope.. The memories we have will never fade. Snow pictures were freezing to take, but as I was looking at them, they looked like a professional had taken them. When my big sister goes to college, I am going to miss her like crazy. Going through and seeing her everyday, to not at all will be tough. I am going to go crazy a few times, but I know she is only a phone call away and she will always be there to help me out. Looking back, we have had some difficult times when I literally wanted to strangle her, but she is my sister. When you get a sister, you get them, you don’t choose them. There was a reason God gave me a sister like her. She straightens me out when I need it. She is crazy, and obnoxious and difficult, but she is also, loving, caring, and always there for me. Sisters: you learn to live with them, but they are impossible to live without. I hope I can be an inspiration to someone, as much as she has inspired me, to thrive in everything I do, and to do it with the best of my abilities. As I am writing this, my sister is snapchatting people, and watching Netflix trying to find a new series to watch since we just finished New Girl. We are now talking to my boyfriend. No sleep tonight! Haha no but really we are because I am tired. Anyway, life is crazy, and there are many ups and downs but a sister is a sister. She will always be there for me and I can never thank her enough!

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    January 2014



Ashtyn's Blog